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Yes, there is help for back fat!

Back Fat is a demon that plagues us all – while we prefer to refer to them as “angels wings” we all still wish they would take flight and leave us with smooth silhouettes.

It wasn’t that long ago that I had never heard of back fat, far too busy worrying about my tummy and hips it never occurred to me that as I got older I would have to worry about my back. I mean isn’t it enough that we suffer sit-ups by the thousand all through our twenties and thirties (I was a bit sick of them by the time I was forty I don’t know about you girls!)

Back fatTo add insult to injury it seems that back fat can appear on the slimmest of torsos so it’s not even as simple as just losing a bit of weight. Anyway now, unfortunately, I have not only heard of back fat but even worse discovered that on occasion the clothes I wear are not very forgiving and are quickly discarded into the donate pile with a silent shudder and a weary sigh!

But wait… do we really need to be so hasty? Is there a way we can dress around the dreaded back fat issue and retain our wardrobes intact? You will be pleased to learn that there is , and you may not be surprised to learn that the answer lies squarely in your lingerie drawer.

There are host of exercises regimes that you could employ to try and rid yourself of it , yoga is said to be good, upping your cardio along with various other exercises. I will assume that you are all as lazy as I am and don’t want to hit the gym. lol I will share with you an inside secret that will make sure you eliminate as much bulging back fat as possible without really trying very hard at all.
Basically it’s in the choice and style of your bra. Stringy strappy briefs look fab on the hanger but carve grooves into our hips that create unflattering lines whilst “big girl pants” are smoothing and sculpting…. Sorry to say it’s the same with bras!!

A badly fitting bra won’t help matters either. If it doesn’t sit in a straight line all around your torso then it will be accentuating the dreaded back fat because it’s not sitting properly. You will see bulges all around the band and the straps, never a good look.

Schedule for your personal fitting . let us show you how to reduce your “ angel wings” ,your clothes will fit better and your self esteem will thank you !!